AsiaWest Egg Donors Blog

Info for Donors Info for Intended Parents


Happy March! Spring is just around the corner and here at AsiaWest, we are excited for the nice weather and...
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Egg Donation Lingo
About AsiaWest Info for Intended Parents

Egg Donation Lingo

As you begin to navigate the egg donation world, you may notice that there are a lot of words, phrases,...
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Donor Compensation – Why We Don’t Negotiate
Info for Donors

Donor Compensation – Why We Don’t Negotiate

Compensation is one of the most common topics we get questions about, from both donors and intended parents. While compensation...
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Pandemic babies: Parenting & Pregnancy During COVID-19
Info for Intended Parents

Pandemic babies: Parenting & Pregnancy During COVID-19

Back when we first heard of the coronavirus about a year ago, none of us would have guessed where we’d...
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Egg Donation & the COVID-19 Vaccine
Info for Donors Info for Intended Parents

Egg Donation & the COVID-19 Vaccine

Today it's all about the new COVID-19 vaccine and COVID-19 protocols surrounding egg donation. We know that there is a...
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Donor Story: a Korean donor tells her story
Donor Stories

Donor Story: a Korean donor tells her story

Happy Friday! For this week’s blog we have the first Donor Story of 2021. Donor 014748 is of Korean ancestry....
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Egg Donation: the Intended Parents Side
Info for Intended Parents

Egg Donation: the Intended Parents Side

Happy New Year! It feels good to have left 2020 behind. While many things in the world remain unresolved, 2021...
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Books About Egg Donation
Info for Intended Parents

Books About Egg Donation

We know that Intended Parents often struggle with the idea of explaining egg donation to their children as they grow...
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Donor Story: Donor TY Part 2
Donor Stories

Donor Story: Donor TY Part 2

Here we have Part 2 of Donor TY’s story. Having now donated twice, TY looks back on both experiences and...
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Donor Story: Donor TY Part 1
Donor Stories

Donor Story: Donor TY Part 1

This week’s blog is another Donor Story, but this time it’s a two part story. Donor “TY” has donated twice...
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Levels of Contact Between Donors and Intended Parents
Info for Donors Info for Intended Parents

Levels of Contact Between Donors and Intended Parents

As we are approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, many of us may be thinking more about family and what family means....
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Question: If I become an egg donor, will I be able to have my own kids in the future?
Info for Donors

Question: If I become an egg donor, will I be able to have my own kids in the future?

One of the most common misconceptions about egg donation is that it will affect your own ability to have children...
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Donor Story: Three Donors Tell Their Stories
Donor Stories

Donor Story: Three Donors Tell Their Stories

Our next installment in our Donor Story series follows not just one, but three of AsiaWest egg donors. These donors...
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Intended Parents: AsiaWest + Surrogacy
Info for Intended Parents

Intended Parents: AsiaWest + Surrogacy

Something that often goes hand-in-hand with egg donation is surrogacy. While AsiaWest is a company that deals with egg donation,...
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Donor Story: Donor IS
Donor Stories

Donor Story: Donor IS

Thinking about becoming an egg donor can be intimidating. There may be questions or worries you have about what it...
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Intro to the AsiaWest Team + Why Choose AsiaWest?
About AsiaWest Info for Donors Info for Intended Parents

Intro to the AsiaWest Team + Why Choose AsiaWest?

Now that you’ve hopefully become a bit more familiar with the AsiaWest blog, we’d love to introduce you to some...
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The Impact of the Coronavirus on Egg Donation and AsiaWest
About AsiaWest Info for Intended Parents

The Impact of the Coronavirus on Egg Donation and AsiaWest

The past couple of months have been like nothing we have ever experienced so far.  Covid-19 has undoubtedly affected the...
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Hello and welcome to the AsiaWest Egg Donors blog!
About AsiaWest

Hello and welcome to the AsiaWest Egg Donors blog!

If you are new to us, here at AsiaWest Egg Donors, LLC we are in the business of building families. ...
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© 2017, AsiaWest Egg Donors
Email Us:   call: 415-529-7133 | AsiaWest Egg Donors, LLC (AWED)